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কার্টে কোন পণ্য নেই ।

Face pack

৳140.00 ৳200.00

বিক্রেতা : oushudhiguro

এভেইল্যাবল স্টক: 50

Benefits of face pack

* Cleans the skin very well.
* Helps eliminate blackheads problem and minimize pores.
* Its anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties work against acne and eliminate the problem of facial acne.
* Removes stretch marks.
* Its minerals, vitamins, acids help in fairing the skin and brighten the skin.
* Removes dark spots under the eyes.
* Helps remove dead cells on both sides of the nose.
* Removes pimples, wrinkles.


Benefits of face pack

* Cleans the skin very well.
* Helps eliminate blackheads problem and minimize pores.
* Its anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties work against acne and eliminate the problem of facial acne.
* Removes stretch marks.
* Its minerals, vitamins, acids help in fairing the skin and brighten the skin.
* Removes dark spots under the eyes.
* Helps remove dead cells on both sides of the nose.
* Removes pimples, wrinkles.


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