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Oboni - Jamdani Koti Kamij Pant 3pcs set

ব্র্যান্ড: অন্যান্য


বিক্রেতা : Oboni - অবনি

এভেইল্যাবল স্টক: 0

3 pieces set (Sleeveless long grey kameez along with pant and long Koti / Jacket) 
Fabric and work: Finest ash Jamdani with grey satin fabric piping. 


SKU: Jamdani Koti Kamij Pant set

ক্যাটাগরি: মেয়েদের ফ্যাশন, সালোয়ার কামিজ

Item: 3 pieces set (Sleeveless long grey kameez along with pant and long Koti / Jacket)
Fabric and work: Finest ash Jamdani with grey satin fabric piping.
Styling: You can wear this traditional yet elegant and fashionable yet versatile dress in a different way. Without Koti, you can wear the sleeveless kameez and pant along with a matching bag with a long neckpiece and you are ready to go for friends hang out, shopping, university, office as well if you have to go to a party or family event, just wear the Koti and you are ready for the party.
Can use it in a traditional and western way


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