ব্র্যান্ড: অন্যান্য
বিক্রেতা : Healing tea
এভেইল্যাবল স্টক: 25
1.This oolong tea is fresh and new.
2. It's helps to weight loss.
3. It's help prevent type 2 diabetes.
3.You can use 3month 100gm.
4.oolong tea control blood pressur.
5. Oolong tea boosts your Immunity.
6.It's increase metabolism.
1.This oolong tea is fresh and new.
2. It's helps to weight loss.
3. It's help prevent type 2 diabetes.
3.You can use 3month 100gm.
4.oolong tea control blood pressur.
5.oolong tea boosts your Immunity.
6.It's increase metabolism.